Is Obey selling out? Does it matter one hill of beans if thousands of mouth breathing brand slaves don a man’s symbol thinking it’s just flavour of the week tripe? I guess the real question is, who cares? I post things to my blog that I think are amazing, like the very sensual and careful design above. Shepard Fairy started his trip into social and artistic dissent over 20 years ago. In some circles, that makes him a varitable classic and in my mind, his work still inspires. And not just the average, “I think I’ll put a sticker on my laptop” kind of inspiration, but the kind that leads me to grinding out a tune on the mandolin, or working until my Kinect makes pretty pictures on my laptop.
Shepard, or Obey, or whatever you call yourself, thank you for doing what you do and don’t let anyone get in your way. It is your time to relax on a pile of gold.